Mic Check, Mic Check

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Published on: 2024-07-30
Tags: testing, meta

What is this?

Hi there, my name is Felix. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing but that's part of the fun. This is the first blogposts I've **EVER** written but hopefully not the last. I have some ideas for things to write here in the near future and I hope to keep coming back.

I also hope someone finds this interesting, but I won't regret writing anything even if it disappears in the void, never to be seen again as this gets engulfed by the vastness of the internet :).

What's next?

I have a few ideas for what to write, these include, in no particular order:

  • A Geochron I made. It might actually be up by the time you read this :P.
  • Some random YouTube videos I find interesting and elaborating on them. As of writing this, I'm enjoying the channel "Folding Ideas".
  • How I got 5 monitors and a VR headset to play nice with a GPU that's hard capped at 4 display outputs.
  • My technical and theoretical quest to making a personnal assistant on the level of Jarvis and the likes.
  • Lucid dreaming [i really want to succeed but in 4 years my success has been very limited ): ]
  • Making some useful apps in VR? More of a project than a blog tho

Anyway, yeah I want to write about a handful of things and get some ideas out there. Always feel free to get in touch with me by email! I would find it absolutely phenomenal if a random stranger on the internet found my thoughts interesting enough to send me a message.

Also looking for any suggestion on how to improve this site and make it better to read or enjoy, I don't make sites professionally but I mess around with web stuff enough to know how to make a thing or two. I just need to figure out what I can do with this host or not... I don't even know how packages work lmao.

If you want to get in touch, felix_wiseman <at> outlook_com (i'll make a better way to message me at some point idk)