Hello There


My name is Felix. I set up this page quickly. Hopefully it will become either useful or interesting...

  • I like computers and getting them to do what I want
  • I work and study in STEM and I guess other stuff?
  • I play games for fun (Beat Saber, Guilty Gear, Dirt Rally, Cyberpunk, Signalis, Frostpunk, ...)
  • I've never formally studied programing
  • If you need help for anything I'll be happy to assist
  • I do some visual design for fun using Affinity
  • I like anime and manga ig
  • I listen to various music from lofi to hardstyle and most in between
  • Pink and cyan neon is kinda nice

I hope to make this site useful and also use it to deploy some personal tools. We'll see where that goes. If somehow you can get in touch with me then let me know what I should put here :P

Random Requests

Below is some random shit I hope a stranger can help me with. If somehow you can, get in touch! Thanks!

  • I wanna get into VRChat if someone can introduce
  • Honestly not much else right now. Gimme anime and game recs idk lol
Profile Picture

Pictured above: Felix

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Projects (NEW)
